Husband Blames Me For Child’s Behavior

What happens when the united parenting team divides due to pointing fingers when the child acts up?

From the delightful first steps and laughter-filled moments to the occasional tears and tantrums, parenting is both explosively joyful and demanding. The great times often come intertwined with challenging moments.

Dealing with a husband who blames you for the child’s tantrums can be emotionally draining and challenge your relationship. In this article, we dive right into the middle of the parental blame game to help you navigate through the challenges using practical tips and explanations for the behavior.

Husband Blames Me For Child’s Behavior (Read this First)

One reason your husband blames you for your child’s behavior could be parenting stress and contrast in parenting styles. It is essential to remain calm and discuss practical solutions to the issue. While parenting disagreements happen often among couples, they do not get any easier to deal with. 

Reasons Why Husband Blames You For Child’s Behavior

Understanding the root causes of a husband blaming you for a child’s behavior is essential. Comprehending the reasons behind the behavior makes it easy for a couple to navigate the issue and figure out the most suitable solution. 

Here are some primary reasons why your husband blames you for your child’s behavior:

Parenting Frustrations

It is hard to deal with lousy child behavior. Sometimes, parenting can be challenging, making parents feel stressed. Perhaps your husband tries to cope with parenting stress by blaming you.

Different Parenting Methods

Parents with differing parenting styles or beliefs about discipline may blame each other when a child’s behavior does not meet their expectations. Understanding that parenting styles can be inherited from how the individual receives parenting is essential. If you and your husband believe in different parenting styles, it can lead to a blame game when the child misbehaves.

Husband Blames Me For Child's Behavior


Some couples have certain role expectations when it comes to parenting. For example, if your husband expects you to train the kids to get ready for school, they can blame you for the kid’s behavior while getting prepared for school time.

In some cases, the parenting expectations are unclear to the other partner, causing them to look as if they are failing. Hence, miscommunication about the parenting expectations leads to blame.


Inconsistent parenting strategies between spouses can confuse a child and lead to behavioral issues. One parent may blame the other for not enforcing consistent rules. When couples decide on parenting rules, they may disagree when one party fails to enforce them consistently, leading to blame when the child behaves in a certain way.

External Contributions

Being surrounded by a community where parenting can lead to particular pressures and cause misalignment between parents. For example, external factors such as school, peer pressure, or other family members can influence a child’s behavior. In such cases, one parent may mistakenly attribute the behavior solely to the other parent’s actions or influence. 

Also, external factors can influence the parenting style, leading to parenting disagreements between partners and causing blame for the child’s behavior on one partner.

Reasons Why Husband Blames You For Child's Behavior


Parenting comes with its fair share of pressure, which can cause the parents to project their negative emotions toward their spouse. Occasionally, one parent may project their insecurities or feelings of inadequacy onto the other parent, leading them to blame their spouse for the child’s behavior unfairly.

Marital Problems

Sometimes, it’s not about the child’s behavior but the relationship issues between spouses. Relationship issues or unresolved conflicts between spouses can spill over into parenting, leading to blame-shifting regarding the child’s behavior. Couples need to understand when problems are about parenting and when issues are about their marital relationship.

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What To Do When Husband Blames You For Child’s Behavior

Being with a husband who blames you for a child’s behavior can be taxing. However, it is essential to identify constructive ways to deal with the situation and come up with solutions that can be effective in case the issue arises again in the future.

If you feel stressed and frustrated about the blame situation, check out these fantastic tips to help you navigate your issue below:

Calmly Initiate a Conversation

It’s natural to feel defensive when someone blames you for something, especially involving your child. However, remain composed during the conversation. Find a suitable time and place to talk to your husband about this issue. Let him know you’d like to discuss your child’s behavior and his concerns.

Listen To Your Spouse

Listening is the magic trick to getting your husband to speak out about how they feel about the raised issue. Allow your husband to express their thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to what they’re saying without interrupting. Sometimes, people need to vent before they can have a productive conversation.

Seek Clarification

It is essential to have clarity about the issue instead of creating conclusions. Understanding why your partner blames you for your child’s behavior can help you practice empathy and determine the best way to reform the behavior.

Avoid blame

As much as you need to communicate how your husband’s behavior makes you feel, it is essential to air out your feelings without putting all the blame on him. Try to see the situation from your partner’s point of view and validate their feelings. This doesn’t mean agreeing with them but acknowledging their emotions.

What To Do When Husband Blames You For Child’s Behavior

Willingness To Take Responsibility

Having a conversation about the issue puts some new things under light and makes partners come to sensible conclusions. If you realize you played a role in the situation or there was a misunderstanding, be willing to take responsibility for your actions. 

Apologize if appropriate. Also, being the first to apologize when you realize you played a role in your child’s behavior can prompt your husband to reform and do better.

Find Possible Solutions

Once you both understand the situation clearly, discuss potential strategies to address your child’s behavior together. For example, this might involve setting consistent rules, boundaries, and consequences.

Consider Help

If the blame pattern keeps recurring even after identifying potential solutions, you can consider seeking help from a professional. A trained therapist can help you both navigate communication and conflict more effectively.

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